Dart Dam Trout Trolling Tournament
14th to 16th October 2022
Dart Dam Trout Trolling Tournament – Fundraiser Dartmouth CFA and Community All registrations received and paid for by 16th September 2022 will have the chance to win the Early Bird Registration Prize Being of a refund of the entry fee [ $65 ] plus 3 nights accommodation for 4 persons at 1 Tokes Cres, Dartmouth. Total Value $665 [some conditions do apply]
Commencing 12 noon Friday 14th October – Ending 12 noon Sunday 16th October 2022
Cost $65 per Adult & Juniors $35 Junior 5 to 12 years (must be accompanied by a registered Adult) incudes entry fee and Saturday night meal at the Dart Pub. Friday night BBQ [in Dart Pub Dining room at a cost of $10 per Adult $5 Per Junior available but needs to be booked and paid for with entry fee. Dartmouth CFA will have a sausage sizzle at final weigh in on Sunday.
Prizes – No prizes for Friday night but catch can be combined with Saturday for weigh in.
All weighed in fish to be Gilled and Gutted. Minimum length 35cm
Participants can only win one prize for entered Trout for the competition.
Weigh In only at Dart Pub between 4.30 – 6pm on Saturday and 11 – 12 noon Sunday.
Saturday -Lucky Draw prize. All participants names will go into the hat for this prize. No fish required.
Junior Lucky Draw All Junior Participants names will go into the hat for this prize – no Trout required.
Secret Weigh prize – A Predetermined weigh by the committee
Entered Trout 1st -Biggest Brown Trout – by weight 2nd Runner Up Brown Trout—by weight
1st-Biggest Rainbow Trout – by weight 2nd – Runner Up Rainbow Trout—by weight Plus -Heaviest bag of 3 Trout (not including above Trout) Saturday night will be entertaining for all with raffles, games and frivolity.
Sunday 1st – Prize -the heaviest trout. 2nd – Runner Up Prize—the heaviest Trout
Plus longest Trout from comp Days – Photo – Catch & Release Lucky Draw prize (Juniors) All participants names will go into the hat for this prize no fish required
Covid Information
The Trolling Comp will proceed this year BUT subject to Covid-19 restrictions.
If full lockdown, moneys paid will be refunded or applied to next year – your choice.
If partial lockdown, full refunds to those who cannot participate due to Covid-19 rules.
All registrations will be recorded in order of receipt and if a partial lockdown, the first 120 adults remaining will be accepted to participate. The balance will be refunded.
Early Bird Registration – ALL registrations will qualify for this prize provided have registered and paid by 16th September 2022. If event totally cancelled for any reason, all prizes will be carried over to next year with registrations fully refunded or applied to next year.
In all cases, those who transfer registration to next year will qualify for next year’s Early Bird Prize.
Call Ron 0409148690 to find out more